Getting Things Done

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Why Some People Are Getting Things Done More Effectively


Why Some People Are Getting Things Done More Effectively For all the talk about our differences and unique experiences, there are some things that everyone shares in common. Time, for one, is a common denominator that underpins all human life.  Gary Keller and Jay Papasan pose a simple question in, The [...]

Why Some People Are Getting Things Done More Effectively2017-07-03T18:56:05+01:00

Getting Things Done with the right priorities and best efficiency


Getting Things Done with the right priorities and best efficiency In my previous blog, I wrote about how to set up a working Task Management System in Outlook. Here I will show you how to work with priorities and projects using your Outlook tasks. Getting Things Done Calendar versus Tasks for [...]

Getting Things Done with the right priorities and best efficiency2017-04-20T19:34:27+01:00

Getting Things Done with Outlook


Like in many companies, I use Outlook. Additional software like third party add-ons aren’t an option because of security concerns. So how am I getting things done with Outlook, process my email and incoming stuff and stay on top of everything? The answer is simple – I just use Outlook, all of [...]

Getting Things Done with Outlook2017-04-28T23:26:33+01:00

Weekly review


How I Do my Weekly Review A good weekly review is important for me to stay productive and in control of my life. It allows me to evaluate my recent actions and plan out the following week. The weekly review also gives me a chance to catch up with everything [...]

Weekly review2016-12-07T21:42:40+01:00

The Insanity of the What-by-When


When you agree to take an action, do you also give others a commitment of when you’ll do it by (the so-called “what-by-when”)?  As much as this practice is generally recommended in today’s business world, allow me to offer a contrary view: This practice has big downsides, and obscures a [...]

The Insanity of the What-by-When2017-03-27T09:31:21+01:00

The Fail-Safe Guide to Overcoming Procrastination


Can we please eliminate the word procrastination from our vocabulary? No one ever feels better or more alive by labelling themselves as a procrastinator. Some words flow off the tongue like mellifluous or resplendent, but procrastinate? Yech! Other words reveal a treasure in their origin. Inspiration has its root in “to [...]

The Fail-Safe Guide to Overcoming Procrastination2016-09-01T08:53:14+01:00

ProWork crash course – 5 easy steps to get started


ProWork (process work) is a complete system for relieving your brain of a lot of the work it is currently doing, which will enable you to relax and as a result of that become more productive and reduce your stress level. Here is a quick review of how ProWork works, in [...]

ProWork crash course – 5 easy steps to get started2017-03-27T09:30:47+01:00

9 easy steps to achieve total control over your life


I gave a lecture yesterday, and as I was starting to speak I looked out and saw faces consumed with fatigue and stress.  It’s finals time, and the students are suffering.  So, rather than talk about what I had planned, I switched gears and gave an impromptu lesson on ProWork, [...]

9 easy steps to achieve total control over your life2017-03-27T09:30:47+01:00